EUCLID completes NAQAA institutional accreditation

EUCLID is pleased to announce the completion of its post-HQ licensing and accreditation processes with the Gambia National Accreditation Authority (which was established after EUCLID’s 2013 installation in the Gambia). The approval (renewable) is valid until 02/2026.
New Gambia (ECOWAS Headquarters)

EUCLID is pleased to announce its relocation to a larger and dedicated building near its former location in Brusubi (Banjul Capital Region, Gambia). The new building HQ is slated to be inaugurated by the Board of Advisors in early October 2021. This large facility will accommodate staff offices (Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Secretariat) as well as computer […]
Visit of IAUP President Dr Kakha Shengelia

PRESS RELEASE: IAUP PRESIDENT VISITS THE GAMBIA The President of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), Dr. Kakha Shengelia visited the Gambia last week from the 8th to the 10th May 2018. Through the good offices of the Honorable Minister for Higher Education Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST), the IAUP president met with the […]
UN World Interfaith Harmony Week Seminar at EUCLID HQ

Saturday February 01, 2017: Banjul Event On Saturday February 2017, the Municipality of Banjul opted to publicly present its Interfaith Cities declaration (originally signed) on the occasion of the Banjul Interfaith Celebration graciously hosted at the EUCLID headquarters. The speakers were: Special Guest of Honor Representing the Mayor of Banjul City, the BCC Public Relations […]