Special EUCLID graduation in Washington DC

In January 2020, H.E. Ambassador Martial Ndoubou had the kindness to receive in his Washington DC embassy graduating student P. Tchouke (who is also on the EUCLID staff), and to present his official EUCLID degree certificate. EUCLID maintains an important liaison office in Washington DC (Georgetown), a few miles away from the major embassies. Mr […]
EUCLID announces Secretary-General vacancy and transition

The EUCLID Oversight Council, in accordance with the Statutes, has declared the office of Secretary-General vacant at the end of Mr. Syed Zahid Ali’s second term, on 16 April 2020. Candidates have been announced in a communication to the Participating States. They are: Winston Dookeran (Trinidad and Tobago), currently serving as Under-Secretary-General Dr Ludovic Chan-Tung […]