EUCLID completes NAQAA institutional accreditation

EUCLID is pleased to announce the completion of its post-HQ licensing and accreditation processes with the Gambia National Accreditation Authority (which was established after EUCLID’s 2013 installation in the Gambia). The approval (renewable) is valid until 02/2026.
EUCLID announces MOUs

EUCLID has signed an international cooperation Memorandum of Understanding with Sanskriti University (India). This signals EUCLID’s ongoing commitment to intercultural and interfaith engagement, as well as its role as an active member of AUAP. EUCLID has also been approved (by MoU) to join the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP), an international consortium led by […]

EUCLID is pleased to report on several faculty updates. Secretary-General Winston Dookeran‘s new book The Caribbean on the Edge: The Political Stress of Stability, Equality, and Diplomacy is now available in print and ebook format. Prof Ernst v. Schwarz (a noted US-based cardiologist affiliated to Cedar Sinai and UCLA) has joined the faculty team to […]