Dr Anke Wanger

The profile, certifications and research of Dr Anke Wanger, EUCLID faculty attached to the School of Global Health and Bioethics, can be found on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankewanger
Pr Laurent Cleenewerck

The bioethics papers of Pr Laurent Cleenewerck, EUCLID faculty and coordinator attached to the School of Global Health and Bioethics, can be found on MedLine / NIH PubMed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=cleenewerck
Dr Honoré Kabwebwe Mitonga

The research papers of Dr Honoré Kabwebwe Mitonga, EUCLID faculty attached to the School of Global Health and Bioethics, can be found on his ResearchGate page at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Honore_Mitonga
Dr Alex Hakuzimana

The research papers of Dr Alex Hakuzimana, EUCLID faculty attached to the School of Global Health and Bioethics, can be found on his Academia page at: https://euclid.academia.edu/AlexHakuzimana
Dr Alben Sigamani

The research papers of Dr Alben Sigamani, EUCLID faculty attached to the School of Global Health and Bioethics, can be found on his ResearchGate page at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alben_Sigamani
EUCLID listed in Springer Top 50 Global Health Programs
EUCLID is pleased to announce its inclusion, with the Euclid Consortium as one entry, in the list of the Top 50 global health programs (institutions and schools of global health, Appendix A1) which is part of a recently Springer textbook publication entitled: Global Population Health and Well- Being in the 21st Century: Toward New Paradigms, Policy, […]